Avolovers newsletter May 2024: Avo immunity boost!

Hey Avocado Lover,

Avo good day with New Zealand avocados!

As the cold weather approaches and the days grow shorter, bolstering our immunity becomes paramount to fend off seasonal colds. Avocados, with their nutrient-rich profile, emerge as a delicious ally in this quest for health. Rich in vitamins and minerals, avocados serve as a powerhouse of immunity support. Incorporating avocados into a balanced diet ensures a steady intake of essential nutrients, helping to fortify defenses against winter ailments.

And who said eating well can’t be enjoyable? One delightful way to enjoy avocados is in a decadent chocolate ganache cake. Combining the creamy texture of avocados with the indulgent richness of chocolate creates a dessert that not only satisfies the sweet tooth but also nourishes the body, making it a delectable and nutritious treat to enjoy as we prepare for the colder months ahead.

Try these recipes and embrace a healthier lifestyle with your delicious, nutritious, and locally grown, New Zealand avocado.

Stuffed Sweet Potato with Bacon & Dill Cream

Buckwheat Galettes with Prosciutto, Parmesan and Kale

Gluten Free Mexican Chicken Nourish Bowls

Avocado chocolate ganache cake

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